Sublingual B12 Info

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Sub Lingua, which is latin  for “under” and “tongue” is where the word sublingual came from. It is an appropriate description to how sublingual b12 is  absorbed by the user.

Lets very briefly look at the role that vitamin b12 plays in our bodies. It does three things for us that are  invaluable. It is used  during blood cell production and is needed for a healthy brain and nervous system. Vitamin b12 deficiency  symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia and loss of appetite, your body may be lacking in b12. Make an appointment at your local clinic if you have a few of those symptoms.

sublingual 3As the name suggests,  sublingual b12 is to be used via placement under the tongue. Absorption via the tongue has a number of distinct advantages over conventional forms. The b12 gets absorbed  quicker, painlessly and most of it is absorbed (unlike normal tablets). Since the tongue is such an effective mechanism for absorption, many drug abusers opt for this method for their daily fix.

The  area below our tongue is filled with capillaries, enabling the chemical to reach our blood stream with great speed.  Which is another reason why we bleed profusely from the tongue if its cut. Since so much is absorbed, there is a possibility of an overdose with  most chemicals. Thankfully, there is no evidence of any serious   side effects even when taking large amounts of sublingual vitamin B12.

There’s a great selection of sublingual b12 on the market but it pays to stick with trusted brands such as twinlabs,  vitabase, wonderlabs and heaven sent naturals. Sublingual b 12 is generally slightly to very much more expensive than regular tabs/capsules.

We get vitamin b12 from one of 5 methods. The 5 methods mentioned are getting it through eating (meat and diary), regular supplements, nasal sprays,  sublingual b12 and finally, the ever painful vitamin b12 injection.

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